Search Results for: testaccio

La Serenata: Roman Wedding Tradition

La serenata

I came home on a Tuesday and there were 60 people standing outside my gate. A brief moment of panic struck me — was there a fire?? Why was everyone outside? But there was no smell of smoke and the crowd seemed relaxed as I weaved my way through the throng and to my front […]

Rome’s Pizzarium

best street food in Rome is pizza by the slice

When I moved to Rome, I would drag everyone out to Cipro and force them into a small shop with flaking paint to dine on pizza al taglio (pizza by the slice). Pizzarium has since gone under a renovation and expansion, but my rule remains unchanged: you can’t leave Rome without trying this pizza. This […]

8 Reasons Why Moving to Italy Made Sense, Financially

There are a lot of reasons to move to Rome. Weather, food, art and culture all come to mind. However, one of the reasons I moved to Rome was because it made sense for my budget. Think you can’t afford to move to Italy? Here are 8 ways I saved and/or made money by taking […]