Category Archives: Expat Life

English Speaking Doctors in Rome

It was only in 2017 that I stumbled (clawed) my way into registering for the Italian public health system. But for nearly 7 years, I always preferred to find an English speaking doctor in Rome. Even as you potentially come to grips with a new language, there are certain moments when you do not want […]

How to Get to the Questura di Roma (Ufficio Immigrazione, Via Teofilo Patini)

So you have applied for your permesso di soggiorno. All the documents, photocopies, and paid stamps have been submitted to the post office – and in return, you’ve been given two receipts stapled to a flimsy piece of printer paper. The paper, which looks like it was printed in the 1980s, indicates the date and […]

How to Make A Wine Cork Wreath

I have been in Rome for 6 years. One of the first Italian words I ever learned was “corkscrew.” I recently rounded up the best wine bars in Rome. All of this to set the stage so that you understand: I. Drink. Wine. And for the last 6 years, I have also saved all of […]

6 things I’ve Learned from 6 years in Italy

I moved to Rome on September 28, 2010. I had a heinous direct flight from Los Angeles, then booked a weird group transfer van from the airport, and met my landlord at an apartment that I had rented sight unseen. I managed to stay awake until 7:30 pm, before falling asleep until 3 am and […]

La Serenata: Roman Wedding Tradition

La serenata

I came home on a Tuesday and there were 60 people standing outside my gate. A brief moment of panic struck me — was there a fire?? Why was everyone outside? But there was no smell of smoke and the crowd seemed relaxed as I weaved my way through the throng and to my front […]

7 Things You Can Do at an Italian Tabaccheria

Tabaccherie (tabacco shops) are the workhorses of Italy. You can do a lot of useful things in an Italian tabaccheria. The shops are nearly ubiquitous, identifiable by the black and white (or blue and white) T signs that hang outside their doors. What are they for? Well, here are 7 things you can do at […]