Category Archives: Life in Italy

Fiocco Nascita: Italy’s Sweet Approach to Birth Announcements

If you wander through an Italian city or village, you might spot the occasional bow tied outside an apartment door. This ‘Fiocco Nascita’ is a birth announcement – letting the world outside know that a new little person has arrived. A birth ribbon tends to be pink or blue to indicate the arrival of a […]

5 Best Italian Cocktails

Italy is probably more often associated with wine, but there is also a long history of liqueurs (often bitter to help with digestion). As a result, there are fantastic combinations of bitters, sparkling wines, seasonal fruits, fresh herbs, to create mixers and garnishes for classic cocktails. While young Italians certainly go out for a night […]

Italian Keys

I was instantly charmed the first time I was handed the keys to my very first Italian apartment. The long skeleton key seemed implausible. It was about four inches high with two prongs and looked nothing like the serrated house keys of my childhood.  These long skeleton keys remain the norm in Italy, where reinforced […]