Category Archives: Expat Life

Non-Italian Food

I love pasta. I love pizza.  But variety in the spice of life, and I just can’t get behind the argument that it’s possible to eat pasta every day because there are “so many kinds.”  It’s still noodles and sauce, and sometimes you want something different. My burning desire for “not Italian” can sometimes lead […]

Il Presepio- Italian Nativity Scenes

We are gearing up to celebrate to Christmas in Rome, and while we have propped up a sad imitation tree that did not really survive the year well in the attic, many homes around us have set up ‘il presepio’. A presepio (or presepe) is a Christmas manger scene that is set up in a […]

The Ultimate Christmas Hybrid

While walking around after a failed attempt to claim a package from the bowels of the Italian postal system, I spotted the ultimate way of spreading Italian holiday cheer. A Natale hybrid: That would be a panettone carved into a presepe and covered in chocolate. And for just 23 euro, this Christmas cake turned crib scene could […]