Rome to Florence by Train

red frecciarossa train in Rome

One of the best ways to travel between Rome and Florence is by train. With a high-speed rail connection, the train trip between the two Italian cities is fast and affordable. Not only can you avoid the stress of driving, but you will also likely save money and be able to take in the scenery as you go. 

Ready to travel between Florence and Rome by train? Here’s everything you need to know about what to expect from the journey, how to buy your tickets, and the train schedules.

The Journey

Rome and Florence are located 145 miles apart. If you take the high-speed train, you can travel between the two Italian cities in 1.5 hours. The trains pass through the countryside and over vineyards, where you can spot hilltop towns in the distance. However, some parts of the journey are also through tunnels, which makes the trip a lot faster but cuts down a bit on the scenery. High-speed trains are modern, clean, and offer food and beverages for purchase during the trip (though you are also welcome to bring your own onboard).

If you choose to take the slower regional train, the journey can take anywhere from 3.5 to 4.5 hours. You may be able to go directly on these trains, but some also require you to change at different stations. These trains tend to be older, in addition to being slower, so don’t expect much in the way of comfort. There are (sometimes questionable) bathrooms, but that is it.

If you are traveling between Rome and Florence by train, you need to know the name of the train stations in those cities. Trains for Florence depart Rome from Stazione Termini (Rome’s main train station) and Stazione Tiburtina. In Florence, the main train station is Firenze Santa Maria Novella

If you are flying into Fiumicino Airport, a new service now offers several trains a day that travel from the airport to Florence (and vice versa) without requiring you to change trains in Rome. 

Florence to Rome Train Tickets

Florence to Rome train tickets can be purchased literally months in advance or secured at the train station a few minutes before departure. If you are traveling around Italy by train, I personally recommend buying high-speed train tickets as far in advance as possible. They are a bit like plane tickets and fares are often lower in advance.

italo treno at Rome Termini 

If you book in advance and find a sale, it is possible to find high-speed Rome-Florence train tickets for around €15/€20. In most cases, these tickets cost closer to €35 and can be much more if you opt for First Class or if you are traveling during peak season. Early morning departures, midday (between major commuting hours), and trains leaving around dinner time tend to be a bit cheaper based on lower demand. These tickets are available from TrenItalia or Italo.

Regional train tickets between Florence and Rome, on the other hand, cost between €10-€20. These tickets rarely go up in price but are valid on a range of dates and times. That means you do not have a reserved seat. After purchasing the tickets, you need to validate them before boarding the train. They can be purchased at ticket stands and ticket machines inside any train station. 

ticket counter in Florence train station

Note that if you decide to purchase return high-speed train tickets from Rome to Florence for the same day, most companies offer a same-day discount of around 50% off one leg of the journey. It makes for a quick trip but it can be a good way to save on hotel prices, avoid having to move your luggage around, and save money while taking the fast trains. (The discount does not apply on the slower regional trains).

Want even more information? Here is a complete guide to buying train tickets in Italy to help you along. 

Rome to Florence Train Schedules

Rome to Florence train schedules will vary slightly depending on the time of year and the day of the week (e.g. trains may be slightly less frequent on Sundays). However, the route between Rome and Florence is incredibly popular and so the trains are very frequent. Here is a sample:

trenitalia rome to florence train schedule

High-speed trains (Italo, Frecciarossa, and Frecciargento) leave at least twice an hour during the day. Regional trains also leave about that often, meaning there are lots of options. However, watch out for the number of changes and travel time if you plan to go the regional route.

You can check the exact train schedules for your day of departure on the TrenItalia and ItaloTreno websites. 

Remember, unless something is seriously wrong, trains leave exactly on time. Be sure you are there with a few minutes to spare.

Buon viaggio!

people walking in Santa Maria Novella Florence train station

Note: This post may include affiliate links for services that I personally use and recommend. Should you choose to purchase tickets or other services through these links, I may earn a small commission. You are under no obligation to do so and can read more about my policies here

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