Freni e Frizioni is a bar in Rome’s Trastevere area with a great vibe, strong cocktails and free food.
Category Archives: Rome
There is something about being in the hot, windless oven that is a Roman apartment in August that makes you want to go outside. We’ve reached the point in August where outside is just as hot and just as windless, but there’s still something to be said for trying to trick yourself into think it’s […]
This past week marked a strange milestone for me. I moved to Rome to go to graduate school, and on Friday I took my last exam. It’s very weird to know that it’s over. Oh. Except for that little dissertation thing I have to write in the next few months. Even though we were in […]
One of the best things about living in Italy is getting lost. Rome is not a city built on a grid. Streets you think are parallel end up leading you astray, and the network of small alleys and hard-to-find street signs is a recipe for “where the hell are we!? I thought Piazza Trilussa was […]
This is a small church in Rome called Santa Barbara dei Librai. When I say “small” I mean “teeeeny tiiiiiiny,” so I like to call it “the tiny church by Campo de’ Fiori.” I love Santa Barbara dei Librai. It seems so out of place. It’s in a triangular piazza off of Via dei Giubbonari. […]
Confession: I rank Rome’s landmarks and monuments based on how much they look like cake. That means that my favorite is the Colosseum at night, but Palazzo Vittorio Emmanuele comes in a solid second: Having already scored major brownie points for looking like an over-the-top wedding cake, I found out that Palazzo Vittorio Emmanuele was […]
The most famous church in Trastevere is by far the Basilica di Santa Maria. Santa Maria is beautiful, but my favorite is Santa Cecilia: On my way to dinner once, I wandered past Santa Cecilia just as the bells were ringing. They stopped me in my tracks, and I joined a small crowded that had gathered […]
When I finally decided to make the move to Italy a reality, my philosophy was: “When life hands you lemons, move to Rome and make lemon gelato.” I moved to Rome, and I found my lemon gelato- it was at San Crispino all along: Now listen to me very closely: if you are in Rome, […]