It has been a cold December in Rome, but we have managed to get out and about to take in the city’s Christmas decorations this year.
Most infamous of all is Rome’s main Christmas tree at Piazza Venezia.
While the tree was free, the city spent more than €48,000 to transport it – with the fir arriving nearly bald and quickly losing most of its needles.
The bare appearance earned the Roman Christmas tree the nickname “Spelacchio,” which essentially means “mangy.”
But even the bare branches sparkled.
The lights around the rest of city set the mood for plenty of Christmas shopping.
I particularly loved the Christmas lights near the Spanish Steps.
Though the shimmering tree of lights on the steps themselves was very pretty as well.
So to wherever you are celebrating today…
We wish you a very Merry Christmas from Rome!
Buon natale a tutti. Un vero e proprio schifo le decorazioni di quest’anno, schifo le decorazioni, schifo l’organizzazione degli eventi, schifo la gestione delle piazze, i am very sorry, sopratutto per quelli che sono venuti a trascorrere il natale a Roma e vengono da lontano, ma spiegagli per favore che abbiamo eletto un incapace come sindaco e purtroppo ce la dobbiamo tenere. Happy Christmas…