Happy International Women’s Day!
A day celebrating the ladies, that is not widely practiced in the United States, but which wikipedia describes as a “mix of Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day.”
In Italy, you’ll see men selling mimosa sprigs on nearly every corner. The affordable yellow bloom is often given on this day, with daffodils gaining in popularity.
Even though mimosa cuttings are omnipresent on March 8th, I have to admit that it still felt like a blast from them past when this lady rolled out of nowhere with her handmade basket piled high.
Hawking her festive flowers for a euro a branch, just around the corner from the Pantheon.
Oh, that lady! I still don’t know her name after all these years. Usually she wears her flower basket on her head. Good thing she didn’t see you taking that picture! I once took a pic of her getting off a bus and she chewed me out hardcore…she is majorly feisty, watch out!! Happy (belated) Women’s Day !
Ha! She has more than earned the right to be feisty. Perhaps she was in a festive mood, but there was a crowd snapping away. I’ve seen her in the piazza only once before.
I received my first mimosa this year 🙂 the flower not the drink.. we went to a restaurant who gave a mimosa sprig to every female customer and I’ve still got it in the kitchen brightening the place up. Happy women’s day for a few days ago :p
Lucy xxx
La Lingua : Food, Life, Love, Friends, Travel, Italy
I sometimes still miss the drink 🙂 Hope you had a great celebration!
Yes Shelley’s right. I have been cursed at by this woman when I tried to take her photo. I love the custom in Italy of giving these flowers (and also of eating the Mimosa cake).
It’s hard to resist, eh? She’s definitely owning the look. I think she was there with her son this time.