Latteria Studio in Trastevere

Walking into Latteria Studio is like visiting your coolest friend’s new house.

You know the friend I am talking about.

That one who has traveled everywhere, picked up bits and pieces here and there, pulled out incredible finds at thrift shops, and always has the best taste.


As the days get the shorter, the nights deeper, and the weather colder, I begin craving more intense and layered flavors.

Hearty sauces and Jimmy’s Irish stews come back into our kitchen rotation at home.

But Vietnamese cooking? I wouldn’t really know where to start.

vietnamese in Rome

So when Gina spotted the Vietnamese cooking class taught by Alice Kiandra Adams under the events, I was like “see you there!”

Alice is one of the brains behind Latteria Studio, and a talented food stylist- which, let’s be honest here – is basically the coolest job.

Having just worked on a piece on duck, we deviated from the usual shrimp to hand roll vibrant spring rolls with INCREDIBLE savory duck breast.

We chatted while julienning vegetables and rolling pasta.

Latteria Studio cooking class

The pasta became wonton wrappers, which Alice expertly taught us how to fill and seal.


Alice’s styling skills was on full display when we sat down to dinner.

Latteria Studio Trastvere

The smallest details were thought out – small flowers in campari aperitivo bottles, and Vietnamese-language newspapers folded as placemats.

Latteria studio night class

And the food?

So so good.


We kept talking about life, Italy, and food as we passed the lettuce wraps.

asian cooking Rome

It has been awhile for me since everything just clicked.


But cooking and talking, while surrounded by beautiful things, was exactly what I needed.


Latteria studio hosts some fantastic classes, many of which are Italian food focused.

The Vietnamese cooking class was also lovely and now I really need to plan a Mercato Esquilino run so I can get all the ingredients to recreate the dishes at home.

….or I could just go back to Latteria. That would be even more fun. (The next one is on December 2nd).

Latteria Studio
Via di Ponziano, 29
Rome (Trastevere) 00152

Phone: +39 8352 9990


4 thoughts on “Latteria Studio in Trastevere

  1. Pingback: January 2017 Events in Rome – Your Calendar of What to Do – An American in Rome

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