One of the very first words I ever learned in Italian was “cavatappi.”
I needed one to be able to open the first bottle of wine in my first Roman apartment.
I stood by my door, staring at my pocket Italian dictionary, and repeating it over and over to build up the courage to walk out and actually request it.
Cavatappi. Cavatappi. Cavatappi. Cavatappi. Cava-tap-pi. Cavatappi. Cavatappi. Cavatappi. CAVATAPPI. Cava-tap-piii. Cavatap Cavatappi. Cava.tappi.
It worked, and I enjoyed that very bottle next to that very window just over four years ago.
All of this to say: if you are thinking there is something you might want to do- build up the courage and go for it.
Cin cin.
Great blog, written in right words. Thanks for that! I guess if you are in Italy cavatappi is the first thing you should buy.