With a New Year’s resolution to make the most of our time in Italy, a few friends and I hatched a plan to get out of Rome for the weekend. One of my colleagues is from the southwest corner of Tuscany, so that seemed like a good place to start.
We picked up our rental car and found ourselves in Sovana, 2.5 hours later.
Sovana has one main street that leads from the Cathedral at one end, to the ruins of a palazzo at the other.
The town’s claim to fame is that it was the birth place of Pope Gregory VII, who died in 1085.
The town was cute but also quiet. After fortifying ourselves with polenta al ragù…
And acquacotta, a soup from Maremma that is made with bread and egg…
…We piled back in the car for the next Tuscan town.
Love Sovana! We have a villa near Orvieto and often suggest that our guests take a spin over to Sovana, Sorano, and Pitigliano. There’s a beautiful jewelry store in Sovana, too.
Ah! Nice! We found a lovely wood workshop as well.
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