Tag Archives: wine

Wine, Cheese, and much, much more

Pros and cons of living in Rome? Con: Post Office. Pro: Wine. But wine alone can only take you so far, which is why wine pairings are so important.  Honestly, though, I don’t know the first thing about pairing wine with food.  I know what wine I like, I know what food I like, but […]

Learn about Italian Wine: Vino Roma

Vino! Litro – 2 Euro! Finding a local vino sfuso shop was an epiphany. I was living in San Lorenzo, Rome’s concentrated student quarter, so such shops were not difficult to come by. You could bring your own bottle, or opt for a plastic container on site and then select your desired vintage from a […]

Well, That’s a First

I’ll admit that I’ve broken plenty of corks. But I’ve never broken the corkscrew: I was momentarily stumped. Luckily, I remembered I bought a pair of pliers at Ikea! (I know, I know I swore I would never go back there). In Italian, “corkscrew” is cavatappi. Cavatappi is one of my favorite Italian words because […]

I’d Like a Bottle of Wine, Please

Today, I managed an all-Italian purchase.  No English. No gesturing. Just straight up cake-ordering at the local pasticceria. Feeling emboldened with my mastery of simple vocabulary, I decided to venture into a funny wine shop I noticed open up across the street from the bakery.  I was buying the cake to bring to Thanksgiving dinner, […]